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The Sohlberg Prize 2024

We are pleased to announce that The Sohlberg Prize 2024 is awarded to Professor Teppo Kröger, University of Jyväskylä, Finland, member of the Advisory Board of the INNOVCARE Project. This is the most prestigious Nordic Prize in Gerontology, relevant for...

Figurez-vous… – Yuko TAMAKI WELPLY

FIGUREZ-VOUS… que l’utilisation des robots sociaux par les résidents des EHPAD et par leurs soignants répondent à des besoins qui ne sont pas toujours partagés Avril 2024 – Institut de la longévité, des vieillesses et du vieillissement (ILVV) Yuko TAMAKI...

PhD contract job profile – 2024-2027

PhD contract job profile – 2024-2027 Supporting in-home care for older people in France and Japan: How can we reconcile the preference for homecare with the implementation of a homecare policy? of economically, socially and ethically sustainable solutions in the...

Japan-Insights – An Interview with Dr. Sébastien Lechevalier

Care-Led Innovation in Eldercare: A Three-Year Franco-Japanese Project Enters an Exciting New Phase Japan-Insights met in Tokyo recently with Dr. Sébastien Lechevalier, a labor economist and professor whose work addresses innovation, institutional change, and public policy. As president of a...


Yuko TAMAKI WELPLY, membre du projet INNOVCARE : l’innovation tirée par le care. Le cas des soins aux personnes âgées en France et au Japon, a été interviewée par l’équipe CNRS du bureau de Tokyo dans le cadre de la publication...

INNOVCARE – 3rd Annual Forum

Care-led innovation: The case of elderly care in France and Japan INNOVCARE – 3rd Annual Forum 15 November 2023 – 10.00 – 18.30 (Paris time), 18.00 – 2.30 (Tokyo time) If technologies (especially robotics, AI, digital technologies) can help the...

Colloque, Soigner en temps de crises

EVENT – 8 December 2022 Participation of Sébastien Lechevalier Colloque, Soigner en temps de crises 8th December 2022 9.15 – 20.00 (France) MSH Paris Nord Inscription et Programme La MSH Paris Nord organise le colloque Soigner en temps de crise(s). Les...

INNOVCARE – 2nd Annual Forum

INNOVCARE – 2nd Annual Forum Care-led innovation: The case of elderly care in France and Japan 7 December 2022 | 9.30 – 17.30 (France time) | 17.30 – 1.30 (+1) (Japan time) The increase in human longevity and the ageing...