INNOVCARE Fundings Partners
The Campus Condorcet brings together 11 institutions of higher education in Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH). He was created to meet the need for high-performance, worldclass facilities for Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH), while contributing to the regeneration of the surrounding region.
The Japan Foundation is Japan’s only institution dedicated to carrying out comprehensive international cultural exchange programs throughout the world. To cultivate friendship and ties between Japan and the world, the Japan Foundation creates global opportunities to foster friendship, trust, and mutual understanding through culture, language, and dialogue.
The Maison des Sciences de l’Homme Paris Nord was founded in Saint-Denis in 2001. It is a research unit, supported by the CNRS and the universities of Paris 8 and USPN (USR 3258), for hosting, promoting, and disseminating research in the humanities and social sciences, based on project-oriented research. It is a member of the National Network of MSH.
TIFO strives to contribute to enhanced international understanding of Japan by promoting cultural exchanges, including the organization and sponsorship of symposia and seminars.